- Maine Roads to Quality: http://muskie.usm.maine.edu/maineroads/
- Quality for ME: http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/ec/occhs/qualityforme.htm
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC): https://www.naeyc.org
- Maine DHHS Childcare Licensing Standards: http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/ec/occhs/cclicensing.htm
- Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect: 1.800.452.1999
- Maine Resources Hotline: 211
- Gorham General Assistance: 207.892.1906
- Crisis Services of Cumberland County: 774-HELP
- Gorham Adult Educations: 207.222.1095
- Gorham Food Pantry: http://gorhamfoodpantry.org, 207.222.4351
- REMedy Pediatric Sleep Coach: https://www.remedysleepcoach.com/, (908) 492-0034
- Optimal Wellness (Holistic Family Nutritional Therapy): https://optwell.biz/, 814.933.9149